Rio Baker. The dam complexes would be constructed over this river
Chilean's and other organizations over the world have protested againts the dams. The government has been signing initiatives with the United States for these projects and when the people lobby againts the these projects they get ignored. Since they get ignored they protest and thier demands are
They are calling for:
Fuel subsidies to compensate for high prices
A regionalised minimum wage to reflect the local cost of living
The establishment of a regional state-funded university
More generous fishing quotas for local fishermen
A greater say in the construction of hydroelectric plants
Cheaper electricity and drinking water.(BBC)
Forign companies want to come in here and completly take over this land. These dams are not completly substainable and completly change an its atmosphere, wildlife and population and oprression. As I mentioned in my presentation the Mapuche keep being opressed and have to keep fighting againts these hydro-electric companies.
Chile might not be known for thier food, but they are known for their amazing music. I have been connectiong some of my blogs to Chilean songs that have some form of correlation.
From 1930-1970 there was a new music movement that occurred in Chile, this musical movement was called La Nueva Cancion Chilena-- The Chilean New Song. It was a musical/artistic political/social movement. Musically, it revived the sounds of Native Andean music and blended them with
folk and popular music. Politically, the movement championed labor
organization, land reform, anti-racism, and anti-imperialism; and supported the
Vietnamese in their struggle against the U.S. However, Pinochet's dictatorship targeted many of the musicians who were part of this musical movement were executed or forced into exile, since there music was a threat to his regime.
One of the most influential musician of La Nueva Cancion Chilena was Victor Jara. (spoke about him earlier), his music is still very much of part of of the Chilean identity. He was executed in the National Stadium (Sept 1973).He is also one of my favorite Latin American musicians. I have been listing to songs and albums on Youtube, and have found being able to relate many of these songs that can relate to issues today, not only in Latin America, but was well to the U.S and different political/social on personal issues. La Nueva cancion is still very much still alive in Chile. I have yet to look into new groups or musicians that follow the La Nueva Cancion footsteps. C
I found a group called Sol y Lluvia whoes style appears to follow La Nueva Cancion style. They have particular song that I can't stop listening to, its called "Para que nunca mas," Never Again. It reminds people about about the dictatorship, poverty, hunger and state that this should never happen to Chile ever again.
Here is the link if you would like to listen to this song ( Translation of the Song)
When contemplatingyour lookso sadI think back toyesterday, I walkedwithout fear ofyou withoutasking why, whereall voicesareheardandeveryonesingingtolisten.
You have to pressthiswitharms andvoices they cansing(bis)
So that never againinChile, So that never again(repeat).
So that never againinChilethesecretdungeons, humanitybackto bitemy people, so that never againinChile hungerback inthe pit of myhumble town
So that never againinChile sistershedblood, and do not letfreedom flourish.
You have to pressthiswitharms andvoices they cansing(bis) Taken So that never againinChile, So that never again(repeat).
Chile had a wave of immigrants coming form Europe. An 1854 census showed that approximately 20,000 foreigners came from Germany. From 1865-1920; 52.5% of Chile's Population were European and welcome in the country. There was also a wave of Asian and Arab immigrants however they they were not welcomed; Chile favored white Europeans because it was thought that they could help improve the countries economy. Chilean society largely rejected and discriminated against this new group of migrants, who were considered both culturally inferior and an economic threat to the ruling class.
Due to Europe's debt economic crises, many Europeans are leaving their homes and are migrating to Chile, in search for jobs. I found a story of a Spanish couple who had been unemployed for a months, so they migrated to Chile and found jobs with in the first two days they of arriving in Chile. This could be because Chile's unemployment has dropped down in these past years of President Pineras term. Chile is one of the main exporters of copper, but the distribution of income is unequally distributed. Since the countries economy is increasing, it is said that they are in need of Professionals. Many of these professionals that they are hiring are coming from Europe. I thought this was interesting, because they could be hiring more Chilean professionals if Chilean Students are able to attend universities without having to take out such a big student loans. They attend the university for about 5 years and end up having to pay their debt for about 15years.
Back to migration to Chile: Brazilians, Argentinians and other people from different countries in Latin America have been migrating to Chile and have received work visas. Europeans have been able to obtain these work visas faster, it might sound silly of me to say, but it could tied back to when Europeans began migrating to Chile that they believed they could improve the Chilean economy. Maybe?
It is believed that in the next 10 years Chile's copper economy will boom and income of 100 billion dollars. There will be about 400,000 news jobs that will be need skilled workers to fill these jobs. This could be one of the main reasons that many Latino Americano's are migrating to Chile. Chile is aware that they need working hands as well as skilled professionals to fill these jobs. So they are welcoming to immigrants and granting them work visas. It will be interesting to see how Chile's economy grows to see, if the Chileans get some of the income form the copper export, and see if it keeps attracting more immigrants from other parts of the world.